Branches on the Same Tree


Osprey Guardian

Osprey Guardian

“If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree.” – W. B. Yeats

Early morning walks have their rewards!

Early morning walks have their rewards!

Tucked away from the sound of highways and urban life, I treasure all of my time spent on my friends’ property near Rio Cinto. Many of the locals and transplants to the Mindo area love the outdoors, and it’s comforting to cross paths with so many kindred spirits.

Take a walk with me and perhaps you’ll know if you’re a branch of this same tree. If the walk gives you comfort, I suspect you’ll embrace this location, especialy if you enjoy quiet solitude while admiring the beauty of nature!

Let's start beneath the old guava trees!

Let’s start beneath the old guava trees!

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